[Summary of the Day] #CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The official numbers of people infected and deaths by COVID-19 in #Ecuador shows only one part of the reality, specifically the population that had access to the tests. However, we consider it necessary to be familiar with these numbers and demand them because accessing clear and timely information is essential to act during the sanitary emergency. Here we share the official facts broken down:
🥼 Facts from the Ministry of Health:
🔬 They have conducted 33,389 tests to detect COVID-19, of these ➕ 10,398 people tested positive to the diagnostic COVID-19 test, and ➖ 10,082 tested negative. The 12,909 samples remaining are being processed, as reported by the web page of the Ministry of Health.
Of the positive cases 💪 1,207 people were discharged from the hospital, 🏘️ 8,233 people are stable in isolation at home, 🏥 301 people are hospitalized y 137 people are hospitalized in uncertain condition.
⚰️ 520 people have died with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, plus 902 people that probably died by the virus. In total: 1,422 people have died with and without the diagnosis.
😷 These are the facts of people confirmed with COVID-19 by province: Guayas 7,108, Pichincha 868, Los Ríos 382, Manabí 296, El Oro 276, Azuay 247, Santa Elena 165, Cañar 149, Loja 132, Chimborazo 121, Esmeraldas 102, Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 94, Tungurahua 81, Cotopaxi 57, Bolívar 55, Galápagos 54, Imbabura 51, Carchi 35, Sucumbíos 34, Morona Santiago 30, Pastaza 20, Zamora Chinchipe 20, Orellana 12, Napo 9.
📊 The minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zeballos, informed that the situation in Guayaquil probably stabilized, given that the suspected cases and confirmed infected are no longer increasing, the 911 calls requesting medical assistance also have not increased, so he considers that the city has already passed the epidemiological plateau of the illness. Zeballos also said that the situation in the province of Pichincha still has not stabilized, because the number of people infected continues to rise.
📌 Measures:
⛔ The Government minister, María Paula Romo, said that during the month of may, classes, public events and interprovincial transport will continue to be suspended. Some productive activities will reopen in accordance with the pilot plan that the COE Nacional is preparing.
🧫 They will put in place an “intelligent sectorization” that consists in taking probabilistic samples of 6% of the national population in diverse sectors to be able to identify in this way the people infected and the vulnerable population. Up to now they only have taken samples in Los Ríos and some sectors of Guayaquil.
🛬 The night of April 20 an airplane arrived in Quito with 5,000 PCR tests and 634 metric tonnes of medical supplies and medication, with which the Municipal of Quito plans to face the health crisis. The supplies will be administered and applied by municipal workers. The health staff and the security staff that attend to the health emergency, will have priority to take the test.
♦️ Actions:
⚖️ The Alliance of Human Rights Organizations requests the Constitutional Court to order non-repetition measures so that guarantees are not suspended. The Alliance shows as an antecedent the strike of October 2019, when the Judicial Council prohibited judges from receiving briefs requesting jurisdictional guarantees, with the exception of habeas corpus. In the present emergency, they returned to prohibit these damaging procedures, for example, 42 women from the trust house in Chillogallo and their sons and daughters, and preventing effective mechanisms to report human rights violations.
Summary prepared by Wambra Medio Digital Comunitario