[Summary of the day]
#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra
Monday, May 4, 2020
The official Covid19 numbers correspond only to the number of people that have access to a test, they do not include suspected cases, nor unidentified cases. Since Friday, April 27, the way of giving the official numbers part from the COE-National has changed. The reported numbers nationally add the number of infected confirmed by PCR test and quick tests, while for the number of cases by province they report only the results from the PCR tests. Various cases of infection and deaths exist that were not reported in the official numbers. We share to you the official numbers available:
🥼 Facts from the Ministry of Health:
They have conducted 80,171 tests to detect COVID-19, of those ➕ 31,881 people tested positive to the diagnostic COVID-19 test, and ➖ 34,279 tested negative.
18,053 people are stable in home isolation,
370 people are hospitalized in stable condition and 159 people are hospitalized in uncertain condition.
2,036 people were discharged from the hospital, 3,433 people have recovered and 6,261 have received epidemiological discharge.
⚰️ 1,569 people have died with a confirmed diagnosis by COVID-19, plus 1,336 people more that died with a probable diagnosis. In total: 2,905 people have died and were registered by the Ministry of Health with a diagnosis or probable diagnosis for COVID-19.
These are the facts of people infected by COVID-19 registered by province: Guayas 14,192, Pichincha 1,732, Manabí 1,382, Los Ríos 1,284, El Oro 643, Santa Elena 596, Azuay 569, Cañar 389, Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 313, Loja 315, Esmeraldas 242, Chimborazo 220, Tungurahua 206, Bolívar 176, Cotopaxi 138, Imbabura 99, Morona Santiago 79, Zamora Chinchipe 76, Galápagos 71, Carchi 69, Pastaza 67, Sucumbíos 42, Napo 42, Orellana 39.
♦️ Actions:
Families of people who have died from Covid19, whose bodies have disappeared in Guayaquil held a protest on the outskirts of criminalistics to demand the government’s answers and the immediate return of their family members’ remains. Faced with this claim, the provincial district attorney has already begun an investigation to determine the reason for the failure to follow protocols in the handling of bodies in this city’s public hospitals.
️ 35 people fired from La Hora newspaper issued a statement on Friday, May 1, reporting the massive firings, unjustified and without settlements. The card was directed toward the President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, the president of the Assembly, César Litardo, the president of CPCCS, Cristian Cruz and the Commissioner of the State, Freddy Carrión. The communicators expressed their annoyance at the actions of their employers after they separated journalists and collaborators from the media in an «irregular way».
Check out the story here https://t.co/fWvlU8apTH?amp=1
The dean of Universidad Central del Ecuador, Fernando Sempértegui, spoke on the topic of the budget cut for higher education, he assured that in this university’s case the reduction would force them to cancel health degrees, restrict the entry of new students, block online degrees, postpone the enrollment process –that would begin on Friday– and fire at least 30% of the teachers. However, the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt) justified, in a statement, the budget cut due to the reduction of tax collection, according to them, obliges the Ministry of Finances to reduce the budget for higher education 10%.
▶️ In a virtual press conference the nationality Siekopai (Secoya) has confirmed the existence of 15 people infected with COVID-19. The president of this nationality, Justino Piaguaje, said that in the month of March many people felt the symptoms, but when they went to the doctor, they told them that it was a «bad flu», none of them took a Covid19 test. For the month of April, two elders died with symptoms, but they also were not given the test, however, when one of them died a family member was given a test and tested positive. Before this, Andrés Tapia, Manager of Comunicación of Confeniae, said that they had requested for the state to assist the calls and requests of the Amazon Nationalities, that they be included in the coordination levels of the provincial COEs and that prevention campaigns be carried out in native languages, but the state «has turned a deaf ear to the requests». The spokesmen have confirmed that confirmed cases also exist in the nationalists Kichwa, and Shuar Arutam.
Look over the complaint here https://cutt.ly/uyjM2qh
Teachers, mothers and fathers of families reported the cancelation of the Family Care System for Early Childhood (SAFPI), who created a Facebook group to publish their complaints. This program that cares for preschool children who, for some reason, do not make it to the educational centers, comes to an end after the Ministry of Finance decided to cut the budget for the Ministry of Education. Other programs cut are the Alfabetización and Post Alfabetización. It is estimated that the cut in education is around 398 million dollars. Visit the group here: https://www.facebook.com/
Summary prepared by Wambra Medio Digital Comunitario
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