#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra

Sunday, May 3, 2020


The official Covid19 figures correspond only to the number of people who have accessed a test, it does not include suspicious cases, nor unidentified cases. Since Friday, April 27, the way of giving the official figures part of the COE-Nacional has changed. The figures reported at the national level add the infections confirmed by PCR tests and rapid tests, while the cases of infections by province report only the results of PCR tests. There are several cases of infections and deaths that are not reported in the official figures. We share the official figures available: Data from the Ministry of Health: 78 78,659 tests have been carried out to detect COVID-19, of these ➕ 29,538 people tested positive for COVID-19, and ➖ 32,899 were negative.

🏠 15,960 people who remain stable with home isolation, 🏥 343 people hospitalized in a stable situation and 154 people hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

💪🏼 1,992 people were discharged from hospital, 3,300 people have recovered and 6,225 have been epidemiologically discharged. 1.5️ 1,564 people died with a diagnosis confirmed by COVID-19, plus 1,312 more people died with a probable diagnosis. In total: 2,876 people died and were registered by the Ministry of Health with a diagnosis and probable COVID-19.

😷 These are the data of people infected by COVID-19 registered by province: Guayas 13,053, Pichincha 1,698, Manabí 934, Los Ríos 931, El Oro 624, Santa Elena 583, Azuay 551, Cañar 377, Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 324, Loja 316, Esmeraldas 223, Chimborazo 215, Tungurahua 203, Bolívar 191, Cotopaxi 135, Imbabura 99, Morona Santiago 79, Zamora Chinchipe 76, Galápagos 71, Carchi 66, Pastaza 64, Sucumbíos 45, Napo 40, Orellana 3.

🚦 About the change of stage at the traffic light

▶ ️ 204 cantons, of the 221 that exist in Ecuador, have informed the national COE that they will remain in social
isolation and therefore will start with a red light from this Monday, according to the Minister of Government.
This means that they will start with the following measures:

🚷 The curfew is maintained at the same time from 14:00 to 5:00. 🛵 Home delivery will be in effect from 07:00 until 22:00.

🚕 The taxi service will work from 05:00 to 22:00 and will be according to the license plate number.

✋🏼 The movement restriction is maintained except for the essential sectors (food, health).

☝🏼 The circulation of private cars will be only one day a week according to the last digit of the plate and circulation on weekends is prohibited.

📌 Measurements:

🏥 After complaints by former manager of the Eugenio Espejo Hospital, Pablo Izquierdo, about irregularities that were taking place in that health facility, the Ministry of Health asked the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the case. The ministry also reported that the Office of the Comptroller General of the State will audit the contracting processes in public hospitals, for which several complaints have been registered, for example, at the Los Ceibos Hospital in Guayaquil, where bags of corpses would have been purchased for $ 148. , when the cost in the market is 12. That is, more than 1,000%.

♦ ️ Actions:

😡 Rejection of a decrease in the budget for public education:

✊🏾 Students and teachers from the Central University of Ecuador (UCE) call the #NoAlRecorte sit-in for Tuesday May 5 at 9am, -with all the biosecurity measures- in the pool of the Plaza Indoamérica of the UCE to demand the State not to cut the education budget.

💸 The cut includes: 98 million less for public universities across the country, suspension and elimination of the budget for the staff of the literacy, post-literacy programs and the Early Childhood Family Care Service (SAFPI), downward revision occasional contracts of all education workers. That is to say: decrease in wages and layoffs.

🏫 Universities announced that they will have to fire teachers and decrease the academic offer. This decision is made despite the fact that article 165 number 2 of the constitution prohibits the use of funds destined for health and education while the State of emergency is in force.

🏳️‍🌈 Situation of indigenous peoples against COVID-19:

🤝 The Alliance of Human Rights Organizations warned that logging has increased in the area adjacent to the Tagaeri – Taromenanee Intangible Zone (ZITT) and «probably within it», that is, where uncontacted indigenous peoples live. The Alliance denounces that this logging activity is carried out without the control of the national government and «increases the threat and vulnerability of the Tagaeri and Taromenanee peoples due to the possible spread of COVID19». They remembered that a contagion in this area could mean an ethnocide. For this reason, they urge the State to take rapid and sustained actions that allow maintaining the sanitary cord around the territory of the Waorani indigenous people and the ITT Zone, and thus comply with the constitutional provision to guarantee the intangibility of the territories of the indigenous peoples in isolation. Check the alert here

👉🏼 https://n9.cl/y9fa.

👨🏿‍🦱Afro Afro-descendant peoples before COVID-19:

🧺Pueblo The Pueblo Negro Organization of Guayaquil, issued a statement to the mayor of Guayaquil requesting that food and medicine kits be delivered to the most vulnerable population in the city, that rapid tests for COVID be carried out19, and that for These actions are coordinated with the neighborhood leaders of the popular neighborhoods who, until now, as indicated, have not received food provisions. They also asked to condone the consumption of water and electricity corresponding to the months of March, April and May, to expand the coverage of the municipal internet open to the most impoverished areas of the city.

See the statement here 👉🏿 https://n9.cl/77jdp.

🤗 Solidarities:

War The Warmi Family Workers Cooperative is making handicraft products for sale, since with the emergency most of these families, who lived on the sale of food, are unable to generate resources to survive. For this reason they have produced a catalog and make artisanal products such as desserts, breads, beers, jams, sauces and other meat products available to the public. To support this initiative you can request the product catalog at the number: 0984458915.

Summary prepared by Wambra Digital Community Media

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