[Summary of the Day]

#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Yesterday, May 5, the national COE did not release numbers about the number of cases that there are in the country, today they released the numbers once again but with inconsistencies. In today’s report, they counted 2,461 fewer confirmed cases and 399 fewer ruled out cases than in the report from May 4. Faced with these inconsistencies, the Ministry of Health announced,  through their twitter account, that these variations stem from the “constant validation” that has allowed for the identification of “duplicate test records”, meaning that tests were applied multiple times to the same patient. The Vice Minister of Health, Francisco Xavier Solórzano, gave a similar explanation during today’s National televised address.

Here we share with you the numbers submitted by the national COE:

📊 Facts from National COE: 

🔬 They have conducted 81,392 tests to detect COVID-19, of which ➕ 29,420 people tested positive to the diagnostic COVID-19 test, and ➖ 33,880 tested negative.

🏠 14,908 people are stable in home isolation, 🏥 369 people are hospitalized in stable condition and 156 people are hospitalized in uncertain condition.

💪2,292 people were discharged from the hospital, 3,433 people have recovered and 6,644 

have received an epidemiological discharge. 

⚰️ 1,618 people have died from COVID-19 with a confirmed diagnosis, plus 1,628 more people have died with a probable diagnosis. In total: 3,246 people have died and were registered by the Ministry of Health with a COVID-19 diagnosis or probable diagnosis.

😷 These are the facts of people infected by COVID-19 registered by province: Guayas 12,411, Pichincha 1,913, Manabí 1,046, Los Ríos 991, El Oro 628, Santa Elena 579, Azuay 519, Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 331, Cañar 272, Esmeraldas 265, Loja 209, Tungurahua 228, Chimborazo 222, Bolívar 163, Cotopaxi 145, Imbabura 104, Carchi 83, Pastaza 76, Galápagos 70, Zamora Chinchipe 61, Orellana 48, Sucumbíos 42, Napo 40, Morona Santiago 37.

📈 Other facts:
💸 New complaints arose for overpriced purchases at two hospitals in Guayaquil. At Hospital Docente N°2 they acquired 400 impermeable bags for cadavers at a unit price of 130 dollars and 5 thousand N95 masks at 10 dollars per unit. Whereas, at Hospital Guasmo Sur they made two acquisitions, the first for 600 bags at 131.20 dollars per unit, and the second for 120 pillow cases, at a unit price of 140 dollars.


📚 Today the Education Commission of the National Assembly summoned the Minister of Economy and Finance, Richard Martínez, to explain why he decided to cut the budget of the Universities by an amount that exceeds 98 million dollars. However, the minister did not show up. Therefore, the Commission has decided to start the impeachment process for non-compliance with regulations by not following the ban of budget cuts for public education during the state of emergency. Look over the Commission’s desicion here 👉 https://twitter.com/EducacionAN/status/1258156458228822016.
♦️ Actions:
🏫 Rejection of the budget cut at the National University of Education in Cuenca. Students and teachers from this higher education institution held a protest against the budget cut that the Ministry of Finances is initiating. The students and teachers claimed that the dean, Rodrigo Mendieta, has started the process of laying off several teachers from the center of studies. Check out the protest here 👉 https://twitter.com/wambraEc/status/1258089340225368064/photo/1.


Summary prepared by Wambra Medio Digital Comunitario
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