[Summary of the Day]
#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra
Wednesday, April 22, 2020


The official numbers of people infected and deaths by COVID-19 in #Ecuador shows only one part of the reality, specifically the population that had access to the tests. However, we consider it necessary to be familiar with these numbers and demand them because accessing clear and timely information is essential to act during the sanitary emergency. Here we share the official facts broken down:


🥼  Facts from the Ministry of Health:


🔬 They have conducted 34,840 tests to detect COVID-19, of those ➕ 10,850 people tested positive to the diagnostic COVID-19 test, and ➖ 10,757 tested negative. Of the positive cases 💪🏽 1,262 people were discharged from the hospital, 🏘️ 8,591 people are stable in isolation at home 🏥 319 people are hospitalized and 141 people are hospitalized in uncertain condition.


⚰️ 537 people have died with a positive COVID-19 diagnostic and 952 people probably died by the virus, but it has not been determined. In total: 1,489 people have died with and without the diagnosis.


😷 These are the facts of people confirmed with COVID-19 by province: Guayas 7,391, Pichincha 926, Los Ríos 390, Manabí 316, El Oro 289, Azuay 273, Santa Elena 177, Cañar 162, Loja 132, Chimborazo 124, Esmeraldas 104, Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 97, Tungurahua 82, Cotopaxi 59, Bolívar 59, Galápagos 54, Imbabura 51, Carchi 35, Sucumbíos 35, Morona Santiago 31, Zamora Chinchipe 21, Pastaza 20, Orellana 12, Napo 10.


⛲ Other Sources:


🚨 4,204 alerts from people affected in the context of the health emergency, were registered by Department of Protection of Citizens’ Rights, in agreement with their first monitoring report on human rights violations. The main reasons for these alerts are:


⚕️ 388 monitored alerts for situations that violate the right to health
🛠️ 369 alerts for violation of the right to work
💳 235 alerts for violation to the rights of users and consumers
🏠 234 alerts for violation of the right to a living place
🍞 198 alerts for violation to the right to food
🛩️ 2,780 alerts from Ecuadorian citizens abroad
⚖️ The Public Defender announced that in the 34 days of isolation from the pandemic, it assumed 526 scholarships for domestic violence. In total, the Public Defender sponsored 2,637 cases in different flagrant matters, nationwide.
📌 Measures:
📚 On June 1 the school year will begin for the Costa school year, as stated by President Lenín Moreno to the Ministry of Education. The return to school activities will be under the “Studying from the Home” method. On social media many parents have questioned the virtual teaching process, be it for its methodology or for access to technological resources, given this, the Minister of Education, Monserrate Cramer, said that 126 thousand teachers will be trained throughout the country and connectivity will be expanded.
🚗 Today at midnight the letters of safe-conduct will lose their validity. From now on these documents will only be valid for one day. To obtain a new document the users should go to www.ministeriodegobierno.gob.ec and fill out the form. The information that the user enters will be checked against the SRI and the Civil Registry, in the case of false information, it will be punished with a custodial sentence ranging from 3 to 5 years.
🗺️ The World Health Organization (WHO) insisted that this is not the moment to let our guard down and that the States should not deceive themselves. Even though in Western Europe the number of infected seems to have stabilized or reduced, in countries in Africa and Latin America the cases continue to rise. The WHO says that it is likely that the virus will stick around and that we have to get used to the new “normal.”
♦ ️ Actions:
👩🏽 The Municipal Patronage San José, in Quito, enabled the Women’s House. The space is capable of accommodating 40 women and children in situations of vulnerability due to violence in the midst of quarantine. To request information you can call the number: 0967131262.
🤝 Solidarities:
📰 Due to the health crisis, many companies have fired workers, this is the case of more than 70 press workers in Guayaquil who are in a critical situation and need resources to support their families and, in the case of those who are infected, to access medicines. For this reason, different organizations of communicators have launched a support campaign. Those who wish to donate can do so to the checking account of Banco Pichincha N °: 2100025062 in the name of El Pulpitoconsult Communication and Consulting (RUC: 1792368812001).
                                    Summary prepared by Wambra Digital Community Media
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