#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The official Covid19 figures correspond only to the number of people who have accessed a test, it does not include suspicious cases, nor unidentified cases. Since Friday, April 27, the National COE reported that the reported number of total samples adds the number of PCR tests and rapid tests applied, while the cases by province are only the results of PCR tests, therefore, they are effective diagnoses. individual. Data from the Ministry of Health: 69 69,054 tests have been carried out to detect COVID-19, of these ➕ 24,934 people tested positive for COVID-19, and ➖ 27,914 were negative.

🏠 20,191 people remain stable in home isolation, 🏥 328 people hospitalized and 151 people hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

💪🏼 1,806 people were discharged from hospital, 1,558 people have recovered. 900️ 900 people have died with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 and 1,453 people who probably died from the virus, but it has not been determined. In total: 2,240 people died with and without diagnosis.

😷 These are the data of people with COVID-19 confirmed by province: Guayas 10,436, Pichincha 1,420, Los Ríos 693, Manabí 612, El Oro 474, Santa Elena 362, Azuay 460, Cañar 297, Chimborazo 167, Loja 232, Esmeraldas 187 , Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 202, Tungurahua 170, Bolívar 133, Cotopaxi 100, Imbabura 89, Galápagos 68, Morona Santiago 61, Carchi 53, Pastaza 46, Zamora Chinchipe 44, Sucumbíos 42, Orellana 33, Napo 23.

⛲️ Other sources:

📉 Regarding the inconsistencies in the data provided in recent days by the National COE, Minister María Paula Romo explained that it is due to the «reclassification according to the definition of each case», in the case of deaths classified as confirmed by Covid19 , they become suspicious when the test comes back with a negative result.

🚥 The minister also said that the decision of the mayors about the traffic lights to go into social isolation must first be communicated to the National COE, which will issue the official information.

⚱️ The Civil Registry registered from April 16 to 29 4,836 deaths nationwide. According to this information, the day that most deaths were recorded was April 16, with 468, while on April 29 they were reduced to 90.

📌 Measurements:
🗣 The Government Minister, María Paula Romo, indicated that, from next week, there will only be three news channels a week. As explained by the minister only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, national channels will be broadcast at the end of the day to publicize the situation in the country through Covid19.

ℹ️ The Government and Health State portfolios have enabled links where you can find information from the 24 provinces on the COVID19, which contains data suggested by the national COE so that each canton chooses the color of the traffic light in which it will remain. However, the information published so far only corresponds to the provincial capitals, not to the 221 cantons of the country. The links to access the information are: Ministry of Government: https://bit.ly/2YkPol1 and Ministry of Health: https://bit.ly/2KNF7pB

♦ ️ Actions:

🗺 Geografía Crítica collective presented a mapping of the spaces and people who are supporting victims of sexist violence during the pandemic. This map seeks to give information to people so that those who can contribute with these initiatives. In this link you can access the information: https://n9.cl/96jt.

📊 The Ecuadorian Statistical Society issued a statement in which it expresses its concern about the multiple and constant inconsistencies presented by the information reports generated through the national COE, for this reason it urged the national government to deliver in open formats, the primary data that allow the community to better understand the figures presented.

Press release 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/2VTWBad

Summary prepared by Wambra Digital Community Media

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