#CoronavirusEcuador #InfoWambra

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


The official Covid19 figures correspond only to the number of people who have accessed a test, it does not include suspicious cases, nor unidentified cases. Since Friday, April 27, the National Coe reported that the reported number of total samples adds the amount of PCR and rapid tests applied, while the cases by province are only the results of PCR tests, therefore they are individual effective diagnoses. 

Despite having carried out a consolidation of data, the reports have reflected some inconsistencies, for example, the number of people who died in the province of Guayas, which reflected 55 fewer deaths between the report yesterday and today. Even so, we present in this summary the official figures, other sources and the measures issued, so that you are informed in a clear and timely manner.

Data from the Ministry of Health:

67 67,273 tests have been carried out to detect COVID-19, of these ➕ 24,675 people tested positive for COVID-19, and ➖ 27,510 were negative.

🏠 20,058 people who remain stable with home isolation, 🏥 344 people hospitalized and 147 people hospitalized with reserved prognosis.

💪🏼 1,720 people were discharged from the hospital and 1,523 people have recovered. 88️ 883 people have died with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19, plus 1,357 people who probably also died from the virus. In total: 2,240 people died with and without diagnosis.

😷 These are the data of people with confirmed COVID-19 by province: Guayas 10,417, Pichincha 1,351, Los Ríos 687, Manabí 601, El Oro 457, Santa Elena 360, Azuay 432, Cañar 288, Chimborazo 160, Loja 224, Esmeraldas 173 , Sto. Domingo de los Tsáchilas 180, Tungurahua 157, Bolívar 129, Cotopaxi 90, Imbabura 81, Galápagos 66, Morona Santiago 61, Carchi 49, Pastaza 44, Zamora Chinchipe 43, Sucumbíos 39, Orellana 33, Napo 23.


⛲️ Other sources:

😵 The General Commander of the National Police reported that an average of 96.5 homicides per month have been 
registered during the health emergency. 
The provinces most affected by the pandemic also register the highest number of homicides.

Intra Domestic violence is one of the most frequent calls for help during isolation, and during this last week a new 
increase was registered, reported the National Police. 
There are 21 cases prosecuted for sexual violence against children and adolescents in their home, during isolation.

📌 Measurements:

🚦 In an extraordinary session, the Executive Committee of the Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities requested 
the national government to extend the period of isolation 
in all the cantons of the country for an additional two weeks from May 4, that is, until May 17. 
The mayors of all the cantons of the country decided to keep the traffic lights red and to turn yellow the mayors 
agreed to hold weekly technical meetings to discuss the behavior of the crisis and the situation of the cantons.

👷🏻‍♀️‍ The Ministry of Labor today issued a resolution declaring that COVID-19 is not an occupational disease and therefore its treatment should not be covered or guaranteed by employers, however under pressure from 
the Federation Ecuadorian doctor, this afternoon, the ministry issued an amending resolution confirming that COVID-19 is not an occupational disease, except that a direct link can be established scientifically between exposure to biological agents and worker's disease.

♦ ️ Actions:

Conf The Confeniae, Ecuanae, Amazon Frontlines, the Alliance of Human Rights Organizations and churches, reported in a virtual press conference that they will demand precautionary measures against Petroecuador EP and OCP Ecuador to request comprehensive reparation and non-repetition measures by the oil spill on April 7. 
According to the spokesmen, it is the largest spill in the last 15 years (15 thousand barrels) and has affected 22 parishes located on the banks of the Sucumbíos and Orellana provinces. At least 35 thousand people would be in a vulnerable condition because they cannot access water. The spokespersons asked the State to deliver humanitarian aid to indigenous communities and to carry out prevention and detection campaigns for COVID-19 in the communities.

🛠 In a virtual press conference, the presidents of the Unitary Front of Workers (FUT), the Popular Front and the Conaie announced that they are preparing mobilizations for May 1st. Although in principle they had summoned the citizens to saucepans from the balconies and to place flags with black ribbons, this morning they said that they will march with masks, gloves and two meters between the participants.
Professionals of Collective Health, Public Health, Epidemiology, Human Rights and other related disciplines issued an open letter to President Lenín Moreno, indicating several arguments why the transition to social distancing cannot yet be initiated, such as the lack of information, protection plans to mitigate the effects of Covid19 and limited technical criteria and participatory-democratic processes for decision-making in the national government. 
The letter was signed by 88 organizations and professionals.

                                                    Summary prepared by Wambra Digital Community Media

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